Google CSE v0.1 WordPress plugin

This is version 0.1 alpha of “Google_CSE” a WordPress plugin that creates a Google Custom Search Engine using a WordPress blog and its blogroll. (Read, my slice of the web to get the idea behind it.)

After you install (read the included readme.txt file!), use < ? cse_search_box(); ?> in your templates to display the search box. Please note that it may take a couple of minutes before Google updates its caches and your CSE starts working -this may be the case for any changes too, like adding or removing blogs from your blogroll.

As I said, this is still alpha. I’m looking forward to your comments.

Download google_cse v0.1.

5 Responses to Google CSE v0.1 WordPress plugin

  1. Pingback: - Gadgets on the web » Google CSE v0.1 Wordpress plugin

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  4. Laurens says:

    Much to my surprise your plug-in seems to be the first and only one that allows non-programmers like myself to integrate Google CSE in a WordPress site.

    I am looking around for a plug-in that is in many ways similar to what yours does. I would like to have a search button at the bottom of posts or pages that displays the result of a query across a limited number of sites. This is what your plug-in does but the key difference is that I don’t need a user definable search but rather a search using fixed keywords which I define myself (eg by adding keywords to the function call). The idea is that if you are interested in more information about a topic covered by a page or post, the search button points to other pages on the web that cover the same topic and that may be useful.

    Before I invest a lot of time in figuring out PHP and CSE myself, could you simply provide more info on the feasibility of using CSE and WordPress in such a way?

  5. Panayotis says:

    @Laurens: I think it should be easy to implement what you are talking about. If you want, send me an email and give me some more details.